The whole story

Methodism came to the Radford area between 1781 and 1783. As the people flocked westward, Methodist preachers followed the flow. The first Methodist Church in this area, the Page Meetinghouse located on what is now Hickman Cemetery Road, was opened in 1781. Most of the Methodist churches in this area can trace their origin to this early movement. Bishop Asbury often visited as he made his visits to the West.

In February 1894, Bourne (named for John Bourne, an early Radford resident) Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was established at the corner of Third and Wirt Streets in the West Ward of the city of Radford. The property for the church was conveyed by deed from E. W. Jones and Mary C. Jones, his wife, to James Walters, J. H. Woodrum, J.M. Echols, and F. A. McCulloch, Trustees.
Bishop Gallaway appointed Reverend  T. A. Jordan as first pastor of the church.
According to Holston Conference records, E.N. Woodward served as pastor in 1904, Charles H. Fogleman in 1905, J.F. Barnett in 1906 and 1907, and H.B. Atkins in 1908. At that point, Central’s pastors are listed as “East and West Radford” with J.A.H. Shuler serving in 1910, and J.E. Naff serving in 1911.

Bishop Denny, Reverend E. H. Cassidy, and others visited Bourne Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South in 1913, and suggested that it be relocated in a more suitable place in the city.  On February 12, 1913 Trustees B.O. Pryor, W.R. Jordan, E. Johnson, Selden Longley, E.S. Jones, R.E. McNeil and F.E. Grayson purchased lots on the corner of Second and Wadsworth for $300 from John L. Vaughan and his wife. Another account is that the Vaughans “gave” these lots to the church. The building was erected and dedicated as the Radford Methodist Church. The Holston Conference records indicate that J.W.Rader was the pastor during the years of 1912 and 1913.

Between the years of 1914 and 1927 the Conference records list a series of pastors having served at Central. 1914 and 1915- Thomas Priddy/J.H. Montgomery, 1916 and 1917- H.B. Brown/Marion Stevenson, 1918 through 1920- W.B. Belcher/Ellis C. Jessee and J.B. Simpson, 1921 through 1923- Z.B. Randall/J.H. Umberger/ R.A. Owen, 1924 and 1925- A.S. Thorn/R.A. Owen, and 1926 and 1927- E.A. Shugart/R.A. Owen.

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One of the disasters of the 1929 Depression was the closing of Radford Methodist Church and the transfer of its membership to Grove Avenue Methodist Church.
One account says that in 1936 the church was re-opened as the Radford Mission by a few loyal Methodists of Central Radford. On another recollection, Garner Jackson, Sue Hagy, Ruth Kirby, and Leona Ratcliff were listed as some of those.
Yet another account states that Nannie Shelburne and some other loyal Methodists broke the padlock, swept the church, and started a Sunday School. During this time, students from Emory & Henry College served the congregation, named the Radford Mission, as supply preachers. Payment was a home-cooked Sunday lunch with kind families of the congregation! New people moved to Radford and the church grew steadily.
A full time pastor, R.C Bailey, was appointed to the church in 1942 and served until 1948 when H.B. Tiller was assigned. In 1942 the official name of the church was changed to Central Methodist Church, and Virgil Anderson was named as assistant pastor, apparently just for that year. Rev.Tiller is remembered as being a quiet, dignified, and formal man and his wife as having directed the choir.
On August 15, 1944, trustees L.E. Miles, G.T. Jackson, S.T. Dickens, Glenn Young, and Addie Wade purchased the house at 500 Fifth Street from Frank and Grace Martin for $6000. This house was to be the church parsonage for 27 years, and was sold December 10, 1971 for $18,000.

    *According to a newspaper article dated September 8, 1951,
    “A number of repairs were made to Central Methodist Church over a period of three years prior to this date. During this period of time, the basement of the church has been redecorated and furnished as a recreation room for the youth, the belfry has been remodeled, and both the inside and outside of the church have been painted. Shrubbery has been planted on the church lawn. New lighting fixtures have been put in the sanctuary and a wine colored velvet curtain placed around the choir loft. A Sallmon’s painting of the “Head of Christ” has been placed behind the pulpit. The most recent improvement to the church building has been in the sanctuary where the floors have been refinished and a new wine colored carpet has been laid. A wine colored velvet kneeling pad has been placed around the altar. The entire cost of this latter improvement was $1076. During the past three years the membership of the church has increased by 84 and the present membership number is 236.

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 The church owns its parsonage where  the Rev. H.B. Tiller and Mrs. Tiller live. That home has been repainted on both the inside and outside within the past three years and also completely re-furnished. Two preaching services, Sunday School, and Youth Fellowship meetings are held there each Sunday. The church has a full time program as is planned by the Holston Annual Conference.”
In 1952, Henry N Horton came to serve both Central and Fairlawn for that year, and then only at Central until 1957.
    *His wife, Ilene, was hostess to many of the monthly “class meetings” there, serving refreshments to the ladies each time. Crowded as it must have been with four children, it was a happy household! Rev. Horton was popular with the teenagers who would stop by the church office to visit with him as they walked home from school.

In 1953, the official board voted to relocate the church because the facilities on the corner of Wadsworth and Second Street could not be expanded. In 1955, the present site, on the corner of Wadsworth and Eighth Streets was optioned, purchased, and donated to the church by Mr. A. S. Glenn, a loyal member. The lots were 150 feet by 320 feet and were covered by twenty native oak trees. Trustees were S.T. Dickens, A.S. Glenn, Roscoe George, Edgar Graham, and Leona Ratcliffe. Board members voting were Mrs. Frankye Armentrout, M. F. Hale, Charles Hamby, W. B. Hines, Paul Kenton Bird, Roger Bright, H. J. Miller, Max Rupe, Mrs. Mark Kirby, Ted Burleson, Leslie Phillips, Aubry Ratcliff, Robert Taylor, Miss Kathleen Wilson, L. E. Miles, S. T. Dickens, R. F. George, Glenn Mantz, Ray Farmer, Mrs. W. P. Bullard, Mrs. S. G. Babb, Mrs. Ted Burleson, A. S. Glenn, W. C. Roseberry, and Sanford Jones.
In 1954 Mrs. Harry Anderson, Miss Daphnia Wilson, Mrs. Leona Ratcliffe, Edgar Graham, Mrs. Nina Morgan, R. W. Wrenn, and Franklin Young were added to the board to help plan the new church facility. Mrs. Pauline Faulkner, W. P. Bullard, J. A. Jones, E. K. Riddle, Robert Whitmer, and Mrs. Grace Burgan were added to the board in 1955.

The first of three phases of the building of the new church facility was completed in 1955. This main educational building would be used for Sunday School and Worship.

Phil F. Ernst, Jr. served as pastor from 1957 until 1963, living in the parsonage with his wife, Jeree, and three children.

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In 1963 the conference assigned James R. Smith as pastor for Central. He and his wife, Sue, and two daughters also occupied the parsonage on Fifth Street.
    *There are fond memories of Rev. Smith (Bob), Don Simpson, and Herman Sadler on their knees laying the tile floor in what is now the choir room beside     the office!
    *Central’s first Educational Assistant, Kay Cook, was brought on board during this time  and served in that capacity with unending enthusiasm.

In 1965 it was decided to build the second phase of the church facilities, the sanctuary, and the Board unanimously voted to accept the offer from Boone & Walsh, General Contractors, to construct it for the amount of $101,950.
In a letter to Garland Wilson, Attorney, from Rev. Smith and signed by A.S. Glenn, Treasurer it is stated: “We are listing below a statement of how the money is to be used, which we received for the sale of the old Central Methodist Church, located on Second and Wadsworth Streets. “Payment on debt of new church building at Eighth and Wadsworth Streets,  - $3,750.00. Installation of aluminum siding on parsonage building at Fifth and Berkley Streets - $1,250.00. Total - $5000.00.

On October 22, 1967, Bishop H. Ellis Finger stood in the pulpit and consecrated the new sanctuary to the glory of God. This date also marked the 75th anniversary of Central United Methodist Church.
*Central Methodist Church sponsored it’s first Boy Scout Troop in 1966 with James H.Saul as Scout Master and Graham Simmerman as Assistant Scout  Master. The first Cub Scout Pack was organized in 1967 with Ed Smead as Cub Master. Over 50 young men from this troop have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout with Cameron Long being the first, and
Noel Slone the second!

1968-1975/76 (June)
Jerry Anderson was assigned to Central in 1968, moved with his wife, Martha, and their children, and served until 1976. Jerry loved playing volleyball, and therefore, every church occasion was preceded with at least one game!

At Jerry's request, Judy Willoughby started the pre-school program at Central
in 1968 with Dolly Sadler, Layla Smith, and Linda Absher as some of the earliest teachers. Stella Bennett served as treasurer.

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*In 1972 or 1973, Judy had to give up this job she loved due to “getting sick from all the bugs the kids brought in. She hated to do that – she loved that job”  (as her husband, Ron put it) .Brenda Whisonant remembers  “And the kids loved her---they moved from Judy's class to mine, Mark Armentrout called me “Mrs. Whisoby” all year”! The Pre-school was closed for one year, but then Barbara Clay was instrumental in its revival. So many memories have been carried through the years by students and teachers alike and are still being made there after almost 50 years!

Donna Saul served as secretary until 1990, and many said she was “more of an administrative assistant”!

In 1971, property was purchased on Ninth and Custis Streets in Forest Park and a new parsonage was constructed there. Trustees at that time were Roscoe George, Herman Sadler, Don Simpson, Dick Price, Carter Effler, and Jim Bennett.
On September 30, 1974, what is commonly known as the Radar property on Ninth and Wadsworth Streets was purchased. The house has been used in a variety of ways such as by the youth, pre-school, and storage. The long-range plan was to raze the house and pave that area in order to have more visible parking space.

The third phase of the building program, the educational wing/Fellowship Hall was added in May, 1976.
    *Typed on onion skin paper was an article entitled “Central Has Consecration Service”
    “On Sunday, May 9, 1976 a Consecration Service was held at the Central United Methodist Church in Radford, Virginia to formally open the new educational wing.                      
    Rev. Roger Hilton led the celebrative worship service…… The new wing consists of a large fellowship hall with sixteen full- length windows, gold drapes, and furnished with round wood grained tables, green stacking chairs     and a portable stage. The kitchen is new and fully equipped. The ground level     has a youth lounge, complete with kitchenette, youth classrooms, and four     children's classrooms. The children's classrooms are used also for the pre-school weekday program. The rooms are all carpeted and fully equipped. In addition to the new building a new parking lot was developed to provide     parking for sixty or more cars and the original educational building was completely renovated.

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Those who received special recognition at the Consecration Service were Carter Effler, Howard Hicks, and members of the Building Committee. The Building Committee consists of Harry Bishop-chairman, Sandy Hill, Donna Saul, Kendall Clay, Bill Goode and Bill Cook. The highlight of the morning was the proclamation by Annyce Levy, Lay
Leader, announcing the day as “Bill Cook Day” in honor of Dr. Cook for his tireless efforts on behalf of the building and remodeling program.

Kenneth Henderlight was assigned and moved here with his wife, Agnes. Rev. Henderlight was truly a teacher with a vast array of knowledge that he shared with his congregation.

 Cal Maas and his wife, Sony, and their 3 sons came to Central in 1978. Cal had a real zest for life and a passion for gardening! Phyllis Simpson remembers how compassionate he was with her parents, and others appreciated that he visited them often.
    *Bob Jones and Ernest Mitchell were hired as part-time custodians some time     around 1977. In 2017 they were guessing that as their start date! They have
     served many times above and beyond their call of duty!

    *In 1978, a group calling itself WEO'S (We Enjoy Others) started meeting once a month for fellowship and pot luck lunches.  Mary Bishop and Virginia     Wrenn were the leaders. Mary planned short trips and Ray Compton was their bus driver. Some favorite trips included going to the W VA State Fair, Mabry's Mill for breakfast, the Candy Factory, Frescoes and the Cheese Factory in West Jefferson , NC. The Cheese Factory served ice cream and that started a tradition that every trip would have an ice cream stop on the way home! Other leaders of this group have been Lillian Wilson, Ruby Dale, Thelma Shelor,  JoAnn Lineburg, Charlotte Leslie and Jennie Simmerman. Dale and Lindy Mann took over as bus drivers when Ray was no longer able to drive for them.
    *In the fall of 1978,Sharon Matherly was the first paid youth director. Anna     McGlothlin, and Ken Walters served in that capacity over the next few years.

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Robert L. Irwin and his wife Jane came to Central in 1985 and he served as pastor until Brent Hall got his assignment to come to Central in 1987. Brent, Vicki, and their
3 children stayed until 1991 when Joe Green came with his wife, Beth, and their daughter, Hannah.

Minutes from July 23, 1987 tell of a window committee being formed to replace the “blue” windows in the sanctuary. June Collins, Vince Clark, Sandy Hill, Brenda Whisonant, Virginia Wrenn, Polly Goode, Bill Cook, and Frances Williams were present at that meeting. Building maintenance chairperson, Sandy Hill did the research working with Lynchburg Glass. The “New Window Fund” started with “seed” money contributed by several members of the Life and Bible Class. A copy of these minutes is available at the back of the history.

Central’s first Educational Assistant Kay Cook, was brought on board during this time and served enthusiastically in that capacity until 1993.
Claudia Gusler was church secretary from 1990 until 2006, giving sixteen years of continuity in that realm.
In 1989 the “Rader” property was purchased with the vision of additional parking that would be visible from Wadsworth Street. The house there was razed on February 8, 2007 after served as a place for youth meetings and storage.
During Joe Green’s tenure, Tony Nix was hired to be Minister to youth and children. He  and Nancy, his wife, and their children lived in a house they had purchased in Forest Park.

*At the urging of Pastor Joe Green, Nora McGraw and Gayle Miller attended the Lay Pastors Ministry, Inc. International Conference at Frazer UMC in Montgomery AL. in the spring of 1994, and in October of that year the Administrative Board granted permission for a six month “trial period”. November 4-5, Joe Green, Carl McGraw, Nora McGraw, Kathy Hall, Lou Don Bishop, Gayle Miller, Kay Cook, and Patsy McGuire participated in a Care Shepherd Equipping Seminar at Saint John's Lutheran church in Statesville, NC. Upon their return Brady Collins, Bill Goode, Frances Williams, and Larry Hurt joined these to form the core group and planning for this ministry was started. The first equipping seminar at Central was held in March 1995 and that ministry was started. In 2017 this ministry was expanded to include Care Teams – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and Paul thus including and reaching more people who attend Central.

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In 1995 Warren H. Wattenbarger was assigned to Central. He and his wife, Mildred, were re-assigned in 1997 when Curtis McKee was assigned to Central.
Curt’s six years filled Central with sounds of music as he played his guitar whenever opportunity presented itself, and when Donna, who was an accomplished vocalist, sang. He, Donna, and their sons, Jared, Jeffrey, and Joshua turned the parsonage over to Charles and Shirley Lockerby in June of 2003 when he was assigned to Central.

*In late 1998, planning for restructuring of the pulpit area was initiated in order to have the choir facing the congregation. Blueprints drawn by Jerry Smith, Architect, were accepted and work started in early 1999.

*An 8:30 contemporary worship service, Morning Light, (name given by Joe Howard) had its start in the spring of 2000. The Praise Band for that service consisted of Bill Lacy, Bill Goode, Joe Howard, Wendy Downey, and Angie Gosney. Attendance at that service started with 8-10 people, and steadily grew to almost equal that of the 11:00 service.

*Central has had a series of outstanding musicians serving in the capacity of choir director, organist, and pianist. Some of those are M.G. White, Lloyd Zurbrig, Pat Brown, Mack Hilton, Lura Alice Robertson, Jennifer Kampfe, Angie Gosney, Hope McGlothlin, and Alice Armentrout. Outstanding youth choirs have been directed by Carter Effler at one time and Mack and Kylene Hilton at another. Alice Armentrout was hired as music director in January 2000, and she and the choir raised money for handbells, starting that choir in 2002. In the spring of 2001 she started a children’s hand chime choir and a children’s choir. She also directs a youth choir with her contagious enthusiasm.
*Christmas Eve services started during Jerry Anderson's tenure and have continued through the present time. These hold incredible memories for those who have attended. Children and grandchildren look forward to this from year to year as a reminder of what Christmas is really all about. Sheila and Melissa Gallimore’s duet of “Oh Holy Night” and John Hilton’s and Diane Montgomery’s solos have been among the most inspiring moments of the  services. Angie Gosney and Hope McGlothin presented impressive Christmas concerts on piano and organ for several years, bringing in vocalists at times.
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 *In 2000 revamping the previous choir room (that moved to a larger space beside the office) into a prayer chapel. A group of people using their artistic gifts contributed to the beauty of this room- Jennifer (Brower) Collins, Charlie Brower, Dianne Lacy, Bill Lacy, Cheryl Loving, David Harless, Marcy Harless, Sonny Hill, Nora Vinion, Bill Vinion. Steve Black, Joyce Black, and Pete Langill. In 2001 it was dedicated to the memory of Bobby Collins.

In the spring of 2002, Doug and Gail Champion offered Central first refusal in purchasing their property at 506 Eighth Street. This was bought for the price of  $249,500 on May 1, 2002. On December 18, 2002, “the Champion house”, with the lot measuring 0.4798 acres, was sold to Richard W. Davis, Jr. for $260,000. Central retained the remainder of the property at the side and rear of the house for future development. Trustees at this time were Sandy Hill, chairperson, Bill Armentrout, John Shelor, Walt Thornton, Bill Fleisher, Angie Hill, Eddie Crews, and Larry Gaby.
*In June 2002, Lindy Mann was hired as director of Children and Youth, and She, husband Dale, and son Justin joined Central. Dale was very supportive of and the children and youth of the church. It was also helpful that he served as a driver for the church bus and van (Lindy drove them also) and had an affinity for taking care of them mechanically.

In 2003, Rev. Lockerby appointed a building committee to oversee future expansions/ improvements.  Joe Howard was chairperson, and members included Bill Cook, Martha Kincaid, Larry Gaby, Sandy Hill, Bill Fleisher, Walt Thornton, and David Harless. Bill Cook served as chair when Joe moved from the area and his dedication was immeasurable. In 2016 others added to the committee were: Joe Hester, Suzanne Saunders, Judith Dodson, and Pete Langill. Pastor Don Shelor, with his construction background, was a valuable asset. Also, others were called in from time to time to get their thoughts/opinions in different areas.

On September 22, 2004, the church purchased the house at 900 Berkley Street from St. Jude Catholic Church. This property adjoins the (graveled) parking lot to the rear of the church. Trustees were Eddie Crews, Larry Gaby, Bill Vinion, Bill Armentrout. Jeff Smith, Gary Collier, Sandy Hill, and Diane Lacy. The youth used that house for their Sunday school classes and activities.
During this time, architects Oliver, Webb, Pappas, and Rhudy included estimates for an “expanded Narthex ''- drive-under canopy, expanded entrance with a canopy, and additional restrooms.

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    *Water damage on the wall behind the altar was discovered early in 2005, and the company that had installed the Trinity Window did their repairs prior to replacement of that wall. They also put a protective covering on the exterior of the window.
 *It should be noted that since its inception Central Church has been blessed with a number of faithful and dedicated men who have put innumerable hours of  work into building, remodeling, and maintenance thus making it possible to take on many projects that would have been financially impossible otherwise.

Rev. Lockerby retired in June of 2006 and he and Shirley moved to Vinton, VA to be near Shirley's mother.
 *He was the first pastor to retire while serving at Central and a grand party was held to celebrate this! Bill Lacy served as MC for “a bit of a roasting” that was enjoyed by all, including the pastor and his wife!
*Susan Cook began serving as church secretary in February, 2006. She was instrumental in making a smooth transition from Pastor Lockerby to Ric Wright.

Richard (Ric) Wright began his tenure as pastor in June of 2006, His wife, (Tammy) pastored the Max Meadows circuit. They moved to the parsonage with their daughters, Rachael, and twins, Rebecca and Sarah.
The Administrative Board approved the addition of (Pastor) Tammy Wright as Central’s first (part-time) Minister of Visitation and Congregational Care and she started in September, 2007.
They served as our first husband/wife - pastor/associate pastor.
*In February of 2007, Kathy Endraske was hired as secretary, and together she and the pastor made some significant technological changes.

 *In 2007 The area where the Radar house had  stood was paved providing additional parking.

 *A sound system, and  a projection system were installed by Pete Langill and Tedd Puckett probably in 2008. This necessitated creating a raised area at the back of the sanctuary to accommodate the equipment. Later, Don Shelor was assigned to Central as assistant pastor and he helped with the installation of  a new projector and installation of one in the Fellowship Hall.

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At the Annual Conference in June of 2009, Don Shelor was appointed as associate pastor, becoming the first full time Minister of Visitation and Care at Central.

Martha Patterson served as church secretary December 2009 through December 2010 Mike Carter served as senior pastor from July, 2010 to August 12, 2012.

In 2010 a gabled roof replaced the flat roof over the Fellowship Hall and in 2011 a “transition unit” was built in order to install an elevator. This unit included 2 classrooms, stairway, porch, and a large space used for a much needed library.
Sharon Taylor and Jackie Hester spearheaded collecting books etc. from various locations around the church and organizing the library. Handicapped parking is provided at this entrance. In 2011 the church parlor was relocated to an area near the sanctuary. Marcy Harless and Martha Young were instrumental in decorating and Pete Langill built a beautiful cabinet to hold folding chairs there.

Mid-2012 Charles Lockerby came out of retirement to serve as an interim pastor until Dale Gilbert was assigned in July 1, 2013 to serve as senior pastor.
*In the fall of 2009 a water-stained, very discolored 8x10 picture of Bourne     Methodist Episcopal Church, our first church building (located on Third and Wirt Streets) was found. It had been stashed behind some shelves in the altar guild room outside of our fellowship hall.
This picture was taken to Spencer Hall, who does work with pictures on his     computer, including restoration of those that are damaged. After seeing how
beautifully he revived this picture, we wanted to share it with our congregation     and thought of creating a pictorial history of our church buildings. Spencer made an 11x14 picture from a picture postcard of our second church building which is on Second and Wadsworth Streets (now an attorney’s office).  His third project was to produce a picture of our current building that would compliment the other two pictures. A plan was submitted to the Board of Trustees and to the Pastor to locate this display in the alcove at the end of the hallway in the educational wing of the church.  This plan also included     the wall color, picture layout, lighting, and the use of the old alter. The project was given their approval as well as permission to move these photos to a wall in the Narthex in our future building plans. Kathy Hall, Spencer Hall, and Gayle Miller selected the mats and frames, and  Frank Gearheart and Gwen Gearheart painted the wall and hung the pictures. To set it off, Bob Miller put wood strips on the corners of the alcove and Bill Fleisher installed spotlights for the area.

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Pete Langill used his woodworking skills to refurbish the first altar used for worship in the Eighth Street location from 1955 to October 22,1967. A plaque was placed on the front of the altar by the Pathfinders Sunday School Class.

Central Church is grateful to all of these members who joyfully gave of their  time and finances to ensure that this part of our history is not lost.
In 2011  a  “transition unit” was built to accommodate an elevator. This also made space for a classroom, a library, a stairway, and a porch. Handicapped parking is outside this entrance (that goes through the library).
During 2014-2015 a major undertaking was updating the heating system and installing central air. The original boiler was replaced with 2 modern natural gas fired boilers. Some additional electrical work was required for this also.
    *In the summer of 2015, church secretary,  Kathy (Endraske) left to take a full time secretarial position elsewhere, and Michelle Tucker took her place in August of that year.
 *Another way Central opened its doors to the community was when Alice Armentrout moved her Fine Arts Academy to a downstairs area of our church in June, 2015. Their mission statement is “to provide quality instruction in the fine arts, promote joy and happiness in the learning process, and to link family involvement by cultivating a life-long love for cultural arts. The academy will provide a safe, Christian setting where all are welcome.”

After several delays, much consideration, and many planning sessions, on May 15, 2016, the Administrative Board voted to erect a family life center to be connected to the rear of the current church building. The Building Committee that was appointed in 2003 for “future expansions and improvements” by Pastor Lockerby started planning again (refer to page 8) with additional members and with Bill Cook's tireless dedication as chair. This addition was planned to serve the following needs: space for basketball and volleyball gym for church and community, space for senior adult activities for church and community, modern kitchen, Preschool activities, classrooms and a game room for youth, Scouting programs, summer recreational programs for church and community, fitness programs, space for  living quarters for visiting mission teams and church groups, and after school programs for community children. Bathrooms include shower facilities. It is planned to operate seven days a week with church activities taking precedence.

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In the fall of 2016 the “Youth House” on Berkley St. was sold, and on  November 6, 2016, an official groundbreaking ceremony took place for the Family Life Center. It is the wish of the people of Central that this building will serve as an outreach facility to the community.

On December 3, 2017, two milestones were celebrated: Re-dedication of the 50 year old sanctuary, and consecration of the new Family Life Center to serve the mission of the church “to love God, make disciples of Jesus and to serve others”.

In June, 2018, Don Shelor and Dale Gilbert were both re-assigned, and in July
Don Smith began his tenure as pastor, with his family- wife Sue, and son, Ian moving into the parsonage. Sandra Stanwichz served as secretary from September 2018 through March 4, 2020.
   *Dial-a-ride- became official in late 2019 by putting the notice in the newsletter and bulletin that if there was a need to go to a doctor, for chemo, etc. rides would be available. For years rides were provided by volunteers to people in our church family and it was good to make it better known.
The first case of the world wide Corona Virus was diagnosed in the United States on January 20, 2020,  and that disease caused major changes in the ways our church family could worship.  The first Covid-19 death in the United States occurred on February 28th, and the President, Donald Trump, declared a national emergency on March 13th. On March 15th, people in the United States were told they should not gather with more than 50 people and wearing masks was mandated . On March 18th, Bishop Taylor sent a letter stating that churches should be closed until further notice, saying that “we are in uncharted waters”. Then on March 30th, “stay-at-home” instructions were issued by President Trump.

Easter season was especially affected as the services that had been planned in the church had to be canceled. Thanks to many creative people (Don Smith, Alice Armentrout, Dwayne and Wendy Martin, David Mitchell, Donna Judy, and Pete Langill), a variety of services became available on the internet. But the climax was the Easter Drive-Thru in our parking lot! Orange cones were set out and Scott Armentrout and Bill Fleisher were greeting and directing cars as they arrived.  Stations of the cross were spaced at intervals throughout, including communion being offered by Don with Alice wearing a mask handing out prepackaged communion elements – never touched by human hands-with a grabber! Each station had a large poster with scripture and appropriate personal questions for introspection at the bottom. Easter music was played by Dwayne Martin, and his sons, Cole and Dawson.

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June 21: There was a very carefully planned re-opening of the sanctuary for morning worship. One entrance and one exit only and those manned by ushers, temperatures scanned on entry, six foot social distancing marked on the floors, ushers escorting each person to seats that are a measured six feet apart (except for families), no paper products (hymnals, sign-in books, bulletins, etc.), masks worn, no singing, etc. Every precaution is being taken so those attending would feel safe and therefore encouraged to return for future services. Also continued Facebook and YOUtube, services are available by live streaming as well as bible studies for those who are unsure about returning at this time.

Sunday School classes were offered starting on July 12 on the condition that masks are to be worn, and social distancing of at least 6 feet is observed.

Melissa Lamb-Leary  served as a temporary secretary April through July 2020.

Emily Close started as church secretary September 1, 2020.
    *It should be noted that Central has always been a mission oriented church, supporting missionaries abroad, giving pastoral support to April and Scott Salvant in Haiti, Rebekah Simmerman, Harry Howe, and Mark Stransky to name a few. An addendum talks more about Central's mission work.
    *Under the guiding hands of David and Marcy Harless, the Shoe Box ministry was started, probably with 20 or so boxes filled primarily by the children and youth classes. More emphasis was placed on this ministry around 2002 to include adults in the church and around 60 boxes were sent that year. The  number of shoe boxes filled has grown steadily. This has grown to the point that Central's van takes people (in 2016,16 went to the warehouse) to prepare the boxes for shipment. Filling Cleaning Buckets, “Undie Sunday”, Bags with school supplies, and other projects continue to make us aware of our mission “to love God, make disciples of Jesus and serve others”. Sending teams to El Salvador continues to be an annual highlight and teams continue to     grow in number including some brothers and sisters, and some entire families! Teams also serve in SW Virginia and locally by cutting wood, cooking, repairing and helping build houses, to name a few. In 2020 August Kids was successfully changed to a drive-thru event due to the Coronavirus.

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    *It should also be noted that many in our church family have served and are     serving in thankless ways and many times behind the scenes. In the past there have been many- David Harless, Walt Thornton, and  Harry Bishop to name a few. Sandy Hill keeps an eye out for any needs such as special cleaning, painting, etc. and then recruits and oversees until the jobs are done.
    Another one of those is Pete Langil. He has been instrumental in setting up     and maintaining the sound system not only during services, but other events as well. He helps with maintenance in many areas of the church, and serves wherever he sees a need.

In 2020 three smaller air condition units to serve the Fellowship Hall were installed over the transition unit to replace the unit that had been on the roof.

Starting early in 2021 the ceiling in the Fellowship Hall was replaced, the room was given a fresh coat of paint, and the floor was cleaned and waxed.

Monica Rybitski came aboard as church secretary on February 14, 2022 replacing Emily Close who moved on to a full time job at Radford University.
Aloria Lewis replaced Monica on May 30, 2023 when Monica took a position at Pulaski UMC, her home church.

Possible disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church became an issue during 2022. In the fall, a number of Central's members listened to  a speaker in Wytheville representing the WCA. Later, a speaker came to Central to explain the  reasons for his church's disaffiliation, and then a speaker came to Central to represent his church's reasons for not disaffiliating. On March 2, 2023 District Superintendent Kim Goddard held a Church Conference for the purpose of voting. Being a church member was a requirement. The vote was 106 in favor of disaffiliation, and 33 against it.
On March 6, all documents had been submitted to the conference including title search and deed preparation.
On April 11, a team was appointed to write a Mission Statement and Core Beliefs. On April 25, Non-profit Articles of Incorporation were submitted and were approved on May 2. On May 4, a Federal non-profit ID number was obtained.
On May 27 Conference held a special session in Knoxville,TN to approve churches wishing to disaffiliate.
Upon disaffiliation, Rev. Don Smith moved on to pursue other options. He  had been instrumental in working through  the disaffiliation process with us.

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On June 4 members approved the Core Beliefs and Mission Statement and a temporary Board of Directors was appointed. These were: Bill Fleisher, Scott and Angie Hill, and Blaine Sutphin.
On June 5 a pastoral search sub-group was formed to screen applicants.
June through August worship services were planned including coordinating speakers, and the sound system was upgraded.
On August 14 a membership team was formed to create membership requirements.
On August 16 the pastoral search team disbanded.
On August 30 the membership form was sent to the congregation, and on
September 17 the first membership affirmation service was held.
On October 1 a second membership affirmation service was held.
October 2, visitation was to begin.
December 10, Scott Kincaid and Michelle Mullins were approved as additional temporary board members.
On January 14, 2024 the congregation met and  approved the organizational chart. See addendum.
It was announced that we should vote on the election of committee chairs. These chairs will make up half of the new Central Church Board and will serve from February 1 to December 31. The other half of the board will be chosen in the next few weeks and will be made up of vice chairs of the committees. Vice chairs will be voted on at the next congregational meeting.
On January 21, 2024 the members voted for committee chairpersons as follows:
Property Management- Scott Hill, Finance- Angie Hill, Staff/Parish- Blaine Sutphin, Worship- Pete Langil, and Evangelism- Debbie Sutphin. These are the first half of the new Church Board that will serve through December 31, 2024. Vice chairs are to be proposed by their respective committees and to be voted on at the next Congregational meeting.
On February 11, 2024, the voting members approved vice chairs: Property Management- Brad Angel, Finance- Janie Fisher, Staff/Parish- Gayle Miller,
Worship- Cheryl Tilley, Missions- Scott Kincaid, Evangelism- Sherrie Cullaty
At this same meeting, it was voted to continue with a combined (contemporary and traditional) worship service at 10:00, 9:00 Sunday School, and 9:40 Meet and Greet. Combined worship service meaning 8:30 and 11:00 services (no longer having two services).
February 18, 2024 Officers were elected at the Board meeting. Chairperson- Angie Hill, Vice chairperson- Scott Hill, Secretary- Cheryl Tilley, Treasurer- Janie Fisher (upon her approval). It was agreed that all team meetings should be announced to the congregation in advance allowing them an opportunity to attend/speak with the exception of special circumstances and emergencies.

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Board meetings would be open to anyone who wants to attend with only the Board casting votes. If non-board members want to speak, they will be given 3 minutes each at the end of the meeting.
The board approved a Sunday morning schedule as: 9:15 Sunday School,
10:00 Meet and Greet, and 10:30 Worship service. A survey is to be presented to those attending church on February 25 for approval. If approved, this schedule will be accepted for March-May and re-evaluated for the summer.
On February 28, at the Fellowship Committee meeting, it was suggested that the Meet and Greet title be changed to Food and Fellowship.
The survey results on February 25 approved this Sunday morning schedule and it will be re-evaluated in June.
March 7, 2024 Board Meeting: Brad Angell reported that we have $23,000 committed toward the goal of $30,000 for the new Central Church sign (to replace the Central CUMC sign on the corner of Eighth and Wadsworth).

     PASTORS AND DATES SERVED AT CENTRAL (appreciation to Phyllis Gilman of the Wytheville District office for researching records there!)
The History of Central Church Radford, by the Church Historian