
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Currently we have a family zone in the back or our church for young families that has a small play area if you and your children would like to stay together during our sunday service. We also have a nursery where you can bring your little ones after worship up to 10 years old if they would prefer to play with more of our toys. There are always 2 nursery workers each week that lead the  kids into the nursery after worship. Nursery workers sit near the door in case any littles get restless and want to go and play. We enjoy starting out together so we can worship as a family first, but you can always ask an usher to show you to our children's director for any assistance or to release your kids sooner if they are ready to have a lesson and play.

Sunday Mornings


we start out worshipping together as a family. Nursery for babies to 10  years old available after  worship (unless you would like to drop off sooner)


We have a short lesson and craft prepared for the children and play until parent pickup.

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